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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > Alerts >
Missing Time

The Missing Time Alert shows time entries that are not submitted. The following configurations are used:

  1. Configuration Menu:
    1. Set the number of days to check for missing time before and after.
      • Number of days to check missing time entries after.
      • Number of days to check missing time entries before.
    2. Duration for Entered and Submitted time are based on the configuration "Missing Time duration type (V=Value entered in duration, C=Value computed from start and end time)"
  2. Process Menu:
    1. Missing Time - Individual. This process sends an email to each employee that has missing time.
    2. Missing Time - Consolidated. This process sends one email to all employees that have missing time. See figure 1 below for sample alert.

Figure 1: Sample Missing time alert.